Friday, May 18, 2007

Floods in Meulaboh: An Update from UNORC


Early morning high tides hit Meulaboh Thursday, May 17 and Friday, May 18, affecting several villages along the coast, including Pasir, Suak Indrapuri, Kampung Belakang, Ujung Kalak, Kuta Padang, Panggong, Suak Ribee, and Lhok Bubon.

Many housing projects along the costal areas have been totally flooded by the high tide and hundreds of houses in the region have retained sea water at heights estimated between 30-60 cm. Pasir Village and Kampong Belakang are the most affected areas. Many residents have left their houses. Additionally, hundreds of houses currently under construction by NGOs have been flooded.

It is speculated that the primary reason why the sea water is not receding properly is because of inadequate city drainage.

Statiscal data as May 17, 2007 (3 pm):

Transmigration Dinas Office. Total of 202 families (650 people) are displaced from three villages: S. Indapuri (141 families/440 people, Kampung Belakang (59 families/200 people), and Pasar Aceh (2 families/10 people). *

SDN 13 Ujong Kalak. Total of 319 families (1693 people) are displaced from the Ujong Kalak villages. *

*The numbers of IDPs continues to fluctuate. Additionally, during the UN site visits we learned that the majority of the displaced families were able to save their belongings.

Addressing the Situation:

A UNDP excavator, under the direction of Cipta Karya Dinas, is now operating in those affected areas now, in an attempt to clean the mud from the gutters and drainages.

Currently, the IDPs are located at the Transmigration/ KLK building in Lapang Village as well as the contracted labor construction. This to address to issues on the poor quality of city drainage.

NGOs, Red Cross Movement and UN Agencies have agreed to target 1000 people in response to this high tide natural disaster and focus on the relocation sites. Assitance will cover both non food items and food items (except rice).

The local government has assisted with food items (rice and eggs) as well as communal tents and cooking sets at Transmigration building at Lapang and SDN 13, behind Meuligo Hotel, where Ujung Kalak and Pasir communities remain present.

The identified needs at the concentration point areas are tarpaulin tents, plastic sheeting, portable water, hygiene kits, meals, cooking materials, and blankets. Mr. Fredrick (0811987282) from UNICEF is the focal point for non food items distribution assistance. UNORC will coordinate with all the agencies and government in terms of assistance provided.

Should you need further information, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Dewi and Firman
Meulaboh Field Office of the UN Recovery Coordinator for Aceh and Nias (UNORC)
Dewi: 08121050833
Woro: 08126990542
Patar: 08126989607
Firman: 08126989605
Vivi: 0811198420

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